weekly training log 1/26/15 – 2/1/15

weekly training log 1/26/15 – 2/1/15:
total miles: 29
easy miles: 23
fast miles: 6
strength workouts: 2 spin, 2 strength and 1 yoga
overview: another strong week! i made it out of bed at 4 on tuesday and thursday, but i couldn’t do it on wednesday. the end of this week makes 127 miles for january!

planned workout: 40 minutes spin
actual workout: 40 minutes spin @ varying resistance for 9.6 miles
how did it go? felt great!

planned workout: 6 mile fartlek with 1.5 miles warmup and alternating 1 minute “on”, 2 minutes “off”, 2 minutes “on” and 1 minute “off” with pace goal “on” intervals @ 8:30 + the core strength routine/planks/myrtl
actual workout: 6 mile fartlek with 1 mile in HR zone 2 (11:31 and 144 bpm) .5 mile in HR zone 3 (10:11 and 158bpm) and “on” intervals average pace of 8:22 + the core strength routine with 10# weights
course: purple striders – paved and flat
weather: 32*/dark/misting
gear: brooks pureconnect 3, injinji micro socks, lululemon speed tight *tech fleece, lululemon swiftly racerback, lululemon flurry fighter pullover, knuckle lights, mace jogger, nathan quickshot
nutrition: caesar salad with chicken, pretzels and dip for dinner
how did it go? i love this workout! it is so fun and really makes the time go by. it snowed the night before, so i was a little worried about slick spots, but the ground was just wet like it had rained. the last 2 minute interval was a little scary because it was on blacktop which was much slicker than the road. i actually got up at 4am to do this run, i feel like i deserve a present or something! next time i will shorten the warmup to 1 mile and the cooldown to .5 mile and take on a couple of reps. on my lunch i went down to the gym and did the core with 10# weights, some planks and the myrtl routine.

One of the main roles of the HOA is to help preserve the community’s property values by overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the individual units as well as the grounds, you can check more info about HOA in https://www.homesgofast.com/blog/hoa-management-how-to-improve-community-relations.

planned workout: 40 minutes spin
actual workout: 45 minutes spin and weights class with christina
how did it go? holy crap this was hard! i did not realize that i would be so terrible at actual spin class! i could not do the standing drills at all, it burned down the front of my thighs. we were on the bike for ~15 minutes and then hopped off and did upper body weights, some more cardio, some squats and then clamshells. loved this class! i was pouring sweat.

planned workout: 6 miles with 4 @ 8:55 pace and 1 minute recoveries
actual workout: 1 mile warmup @
course: highland/campbell – flat pavement
weather: 42*/dark/rainy/windy
gear: adidas adios boost, lululemon brushed speed tights, lululemon swiftly racerback, reebok windbreaker, c9 gloves, c9 earwarmer, knuckle lights, mace jogger, nathan quick shot
nutrition: turkey tacos for dinner and water on the run
how did it go? i think i was still half asleep during the first half of this run! it is so hard to get the body going at 4am. my main goals were to make my first mile repeat the slowest and my last mile repeat the fastest, and i actually did it! i had to be really mindful of my pace on the 3rd one, because that was the flattest portion and the wind was at my back. it was about half a second slower than the 4th repeat 🙂 i will call that a success! these repeats actually felt like a comfortable pace that i could sustain on a flat course. my heart rate didn’t get up in to the 180’s, and i was able to maintain a 3:2 breathing pattern for all of the repeats with exception of the last half mile on the 4th one.

planned workout: yoga
actual workout: 30 minutes yoga from yoga studio app
how did it go? felt so awesome!

planned workout: 12 easy miles and snow flurry scurry 5k
actual workout: 12 easy miles @ 10:36 with snow flurry scurry in the middle
course: jenny’s neighborhood and the lost rive cave greenways – paved and flat
weather: 35*/overcast
gear: brooks pureflow 2, lululemon brushed speed tights, lululemon swiftly racerback, lululemon fluff off pullover, the north face ear warmer, lululemon fleece run with me gloves, nathan quick shot
nutrition: spicy fajitas for dinner and belvita biscuits, coffee and 1 imodium for breakfast. ate 2 tropical punch clif shot blocks every couple of miles.
how did it go? it was SO NICE to do a race and not actually race it! jenny and i both needed to do 12 easy miles, so we did a 4 mile warmup around her neighborhood, drove to the race and ran it easy and then returned to her neighborhood for the last 5 miles. we talked the whole time and kept it super easy.


planned workout: 5 easy trail miles
actual workout: 5 of the worst miles of all time – i.e. the one time i ran on a treadmill @ 10:20 pace
course: the treadmill. in the garage. 🙁
weather: super rainy
gear: brooks purecadence 3, lululemon dart and dash shorts, oiselle flyte tank, nathan quick shot
nutrition: pizza for dinner and pizza for breakfast. fueled by pizza.
how did it go? i absolutely despise the treadmill. if it hadn’t been pouring i would have gone outside, but i knew if i waited for it to let up i wouldn’t make it out the door! i was happy to have this one over!