i love swag

this happened today:

FINALLY. i feel like i have tried every beer on the massive menu at mellow mushroom, but it turns out i’ve only had 10. and by i, i mean me and the kendoll. he has probably choked down 6 ipa’s while i’ve contributed 4 weak, lite beers. i can’t help it, i’m just not into fancy beers. although when they’re served in a cool glass like a chalice or a snifter i am totally a beer snob. my beautiful mm koozie will now live in my purse and forever keep my hands warm while i clutch my miller lite. it’s the little things.

tomorrow i am going to run. i am going to run, and i am going to eat healthier. i felt like such a champion when i lost weight in the spring, and i want to feel that way again by the time fall and holiday parties roll around. plus, i am spending way too much food on dining out. when your banking app alerts you that you’ve overspent your fast food budget by $100 last month it’s basically calling you a fatty. so tomorrow i will wake up a new woman. but today is still today, so i am going to finish this bag of mini oreos and drink one last beer!

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